A Homegrown Miracle | After The Miracle | Episode 4

With the 1980 teamโ€™s stunning victory over the powerhouse Soviet Red Army team in their first medal round game, all that stood between the star-spangled Cinderella team from the United States and an Olympic Gold Medal was a formidable opponent in Finland. The results and what followed were the stuff of which Miracles are made. Episode four also highlights immediate and rare post-game thoughts
and emotions and the 1980 teams visit to White House for their first taste of official stardom.
Experience the poignant reflections of when a team of 20 players disbanded and said good-byes which includes a final farewell to their head coach Herb Brooks.

Vikings Fall to Giants | The Painful Edit of Minnesota and New York Fans


A Homegrown Miracle | Return to Lake Placid | Episode 3